Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Overcoming (Peace Of Mind)

Today May 26th, 2012 marks 4 years since I made a life changing decision to leave California and come back to NYC. I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was the worst memorial day weekend that I have ever experienced in my life. Back then I felt really lost, alone, confused I didn't know what to do. It felt like my world was just caving in on me. Everything that I had built in the last 2 years of my marriage was just going down the drain and although I wanted to stick it out I felt like I had given everything I had. I got on the road in my car and drove 3000 miles back home on faith and didn't look back. I remember feeling hurt and ashamed because I felt like I had failed God by abandoning my marriage, but I knew in my heart that it was the right thing to do. I was basically living out of my car and thanks to my brother Duce who literally begged his mom to give me a place to stay it was a while before I could even settle in and get myself together. Ever since being homeless I have had several occasions where I had to beat the odds and get myself back on track and it was not an easy step. I decided that I was going to get my CDL and make sure that whatever decision I made that I will always have job security and I had given up my car so that I could live below my means and work towards my dream. It wasn't easy giving up my baby because anybody that knows me knows that I didn't do public transportation I had always had a car since I was 16 years old, but I knew deep down inside that if being in music was what I really wanted and if I was going to be in it I would have to take it seriously and sacrifice certain things so that I can get to the big picture. After I made that decision I had worked several little jobs over the years and also got my driving experience up working at Greyhound while at night I worked to build my name back up in a city where new young cats were coming up and doing things in the underground circuit. I had to humble myself and say the prodigy you once were because you had left your city you would have to come back and prove yourself once again. So I stayed quiet. I put my hat on and got into something that I never thought that I would do and that was radio. Going into radio had to be one of the best decisions I made in my career because it allowed me to meet people and gain access to places that as a rapper I probably wouldn't have gotten in those doors as fast so it was a blessing. Now we are here 4 years later and so much has changed for me. I had worked at 2 great radio stations, interviewed so many legends in the game, helped numerous artist in their career get their music exposed, traveled, had a beautiful son, got blessed with an international coffee business and everything God lined up for me. Today I realize that I was meant to be here and all of these things were meant to happen to me ever since my accident back in 2005. God changed me a lot he put me in a place where I had to struggle so I can really appreciate the blessings that he has given me. The overcoming is the best part of the journey. Overcoming obstacles makes us stronger, it builds a backbone and rounds out our character. If we lived life with no struggle then there would be either no reason to celebrate or we would be celebrating in vain. It has humbled me so much and has given me a purpose in life to succeed. Before 2005 I was just doing things because I knew I could and I felt like I could be great at anything I do, but today lies a man that has a big purpose to be able to continue building a legacy for my children. When I die I want people to remember me as someone who was always willing to help and make sure that they were good because thats whats in my heart. I totally embrace overcoming my struggles and I have so far to go, but the journey and the lessons are unreal. I have become smarter and are making smarter, sharper decisions and I am not afraid anymore to speak my truth. It feels great to be comfortable in your own skin that whether a person likes you or not they have to respect you for who you are. Never be afraid of the new. Never be afraid of change and NEVER be ashamed of the struggle. Overcoming is a blessing from God to humble ourselves so that we can give and inspire others to be. What a beautiful journey. I am so blessed!

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