Monday, June 29, 2009

Jay Z at the BET awards

Now this? This is a lot more fuckin like it!!!!!

Crazy Mob Squad Radio Week 4 Hour 2

You tell me who killed who on this freestyle??

Young Money on the BET awards? Hmmm..

Now my opinion there were many things wrong with this performance. One thing is that Drake has clearly got the hit song on the fuckin radio right now. That best I ever had song is fire, but what the hell is this rappingandtalkingthroughthesongwhilesittingonmyassandthisisthefirsttimeiamperformingonanawardsshow shit??? I mean come on everyone says they learned from Michael and that this is their hero and saviour, but do you see the level of performance that Mike gave us? compared to this? and whats good with another song that I particularly like that they killed the excitement for me yesterday with "every girl" whats with the girls on the stage dancing on there they were mad little LOL its crazy. You know the thing is for me the performance. Ok I dont have to buy the album, but there is suppose to be a quality in the performance of an artist and this right here was wack. It made me not even like the songs anymore for real. And they wonder why the industry is suffering? Thank God for Jay Z LOL

Crazy Mob Squad Radio Week 4 Hour 1

Check out last weeks show Crazy Mob Squad Radio special guests Young Merc and Cristion D'or!